· Rails
Action Mailer tutorial
A simple tutorial about Action Mailer with Rails 7 or 8
A simple tutorial about Action Mailer with Rails 7 or 8
How to debug Rails 7 app with ruby/debug. Should also work for Rails 8 :)
Constant are not so often used in Ruby, however, it's always good to know how they work when the need arises. Constants are simply variables that are not meant to be changed.
esbuild is very useful in new Rails apps, even with the very last Rails 8 version. Let's see how to customise it.
A beginner friendly guide about Ruby regexes. Even if nowadays, ChatGPT tend to be not-too-bad in this field :)
The need for the existence of background jobs arises very quickly when you create a new Rails application for business purposes. Sidekiq was, for a long time, the de-facto tool of the Rails stack.