Rails authentication with Rodauth, an elegant Ruby gem
A review of simple web form, and how Ruby-on-Rails handle them. From scratch.
A review of simple web form, and how Ruby-on-Rails handle them. From scratch.
Turbo frame is a powerful feature of Hotwire, here is a quick memo about how to follow conventions in the simplest case. Convention over configuration is powerful, but sometimes it is also a problem when you are not sure anymore about conventions ;) so I plan to release more "simplest *** Hotwire feature".
Hatchbox.io is a deployment platform for Ruby-on-Rails users. I used it recently, so for people ashamed of trying, here is my review.
Learn how to benchmark (i.e. measure performance) Ruby code in this small article.
Heroku is the most well-known deployment platform, and also the easiest to use. Let's try it on a fresh but realistic Rails 7 application.
Rollup and Esbuild can both handle JavaScript files in a Rails app. I made some little experiments, both locally and in-production.