Ruby Substring
When interacting with strings, it is very useful to select subsets of them. There is no method in Ruby dedicated to this special purpose. I hope this small article will help
When interacting with strings, it is very useful to select subsets of them. There is no method in Ruby dedicated to this special purpose. I hope this small article will help
Ruby-on-Rails comes with a default authentication since version 8, but Devise is still very used. So here is a tutorial about Rails and Devise.
A small articles about differences between Ruby and JS.
group_by is an extremely useful feature, recently natively adopted in JS. But here is an article about the difference between Ruby and Rails for this particular feature.
A tutorial about Rails and the Faker gem. The Faker gem, as the name implies, allow us to create a bunch of fake but useful data for the test suite.
Arel is here from the Rails 3 version, and provide a language to write SQL queries in a much clearer and readable way. Let's see how.