Ruby-on-Rails ViewComponents tutorial and examples
A ViewComponent is simply a Ruby object and a template. Here is a quick tutorial from scratch about their use.
A ViewComponent is simply a Ruby object and a template. Here is a quick tutorial from scratch about their use.
The link_to helper simply builds links. Here is a quick tutorial about various use cases.
Hash in Ruby allows to store and manage pairs of key/value. Here is a small tutorial about the use of Hashes.
TailwindCSS is nowadays one of the most CSS framework used in the web dev world. Let's see how to use it with Rails.
Ruby-on-Rails minimalistic, default app starts without VueJS. Even JavaScript is optional. But only submitting forms and display inputs is no more a web standard. Dynamic, intuitive interfaces are.
Object Oriented Programming aims to bring the logics of the real world to programming languages. Inheritance is one of them. Here is are quick explanations about inheritance in Ruby.