Ruby-on-Rails authentication tutorial with Devise
Ruby-on-Rails comes with a default authentication since version 8, but Devise is still very used. So here is a tutorial about Rails and Devise.
Ruby-on-Rails comes with a default authentication since version 8, but Devise is still very used. So here is a tutorial about Rails and Devise.
group_by is an extremely useful feature, recently natively adopted in JS. But here is an article about the difference between Ruby and Rails for this particular feature.
A tutorial about Rails and the Faker gem. The Faker gem, as the name implies, allow us to create a bunch of fake but useful data for the test suite.
Arel is here from the Rails 3 version, and provide a language to write SQL queries in a much clearer and readable way. Let's see how.
Jest is gaining momentum in the JS world, so let's see how to use it with Rails.
Log monitoring means tracking warning and bugs. Here is a quick tutorial with logster.