Rollup vs Esbuild for Rails
Rollup and Esbuild can both handle JavaScript files in a Rails app. I made some little experiments, both locally and in-production.
Rollup and Esbuild can both handle JavaScript files in a Rails app. I made some little experiments, both locally and in-production.
A quick article about how to retrieve an element inside a Ruby array.
With Ruby, there are some cases where you want to check if a given key is already in the hash.
Turbo frame is a powerful feature of Hotwire, here is a quick memo about how to follow conventions in the simplest case. Convention over configuration is powerful, but sometimes it is also a problem when you are not sure anymore about conventions ;) so I plan to release more "simplest *** Hotwire feature".
Encoding a String in Ruby may be trickier than I initially thought, given the number of options available. Here is my take.
A quick tutorial about how to split a Ruby Array.