· Ruby
How to disable Turbo on specific links with Rails
Turbo is precisely made to speed up page transition, but sometimes it's better to have a slower page transition - that works.
Turbo is precisely made to speed up page transition, but sometimes it's better to have a slower page transition - that works.
A quick memo about how to add or remove a Stimulus controller - I recommend to rely on generator this time.
Livereload a Rails app on your local machine is still not available natively. Maybe in next version of Rails, but not yet.
Rails 8 comes with Hotwire by default to handle frontend complexity. Here is a simple tutorial from scratch.
Rollup and Esbuild can both handle JavaScript files in a Rails app. I made some little experiments, both locally and in-production.
This is an opinionated article about ERB and HAML with Rails. Let's compare each other and pick a winner.