· Rails
Debug Rails 7 with ruby/debug
How to debug Rails 7 app with ruby/debug. Should also work for Rails 8 :)
How to debug Rails 7 app with ruby/debug. Should also work for Rails 8 :)
esbuild is very useful in new Rails apps, even with the very last Rails 8 version. Let's see how to customise it.
The need for the existence of background jobs arises very quickly when you create a new Rails application for business purposes. Sidekiq was, for a long time, the de-facto tool of the Rails stack.
Cypress is very interesting, since it matches one of the core Rails philosophy, which is "value integrated system"
How to handle properly frontend assets in Rails, without being dependent of instabilities of architectural choices. ViteJS is the best option so far IMHO.
A review of simple web form, and how Ruby-on-Rails handle them. From scratch.