Kill Rails server, a how-to guide
A simple tutorial about how to kill a local Rails server.
A simple tutorial about how to kill a local Rails server.
AlpineJS is here to augment behaviours of HTML that is already rendered by the server. It's a direct competitor of Hotwire. Let's see how to use it.
A simple tutorial about how to get a truly random number with the Ruby language.
Ruby is a language that uses multiple programming paradigms, most commonly object-oriented and functional, and with its functional nature comes the idea of functions. Ruby uses three types of closures, namely blocks, procs, and lambdas.
self is a reserved keyword in Ruby that always refers to the current object. Let's see how to use it.
Google analytics is not anymore an option, at least in the EU. It's barely legal regarding GDPR, and we start to see companies being blamed for using it. Alternatives to Google Analytics are not free, and not cheap. Even open-source solutions are not that easy to implement.